High Pressure Pump
- Electrical Dump Control, with low pulse
- Automatic compensation and Manual compensation, bring higher flow accuracy
- Floating Piston, with self-cleaning function, ensures longer lifetime
- Real-time Pressure Monitoring System, with adjustable pressure warning limits, increases safety

UV-Vis Detector
- Single holographic grating, easily setting time and wavelength
- High-accuracy Photo-Diode, brings larger linear range
- Intensity Gain Coefficient Self-Calibration
- Unique optical structure, full-wavelength spectrum scan, high-accuracy wavelength calibration
- Universal sample cell, easy switch between micro and constant cells
- Deuterium lamp, easy to change and no calibration required

Chromatography Data System
- User-friendly interface, easy to learn and operate
- Real-time monitoring interface
- Integrates instrument control, data acquisition, and dataprocessing
- Compliance with GLP and FDA regulations to ensure datavalidity and security
- Customizable report template
- Audit trails for methods, samples, sequences, chromatogramsand data output are fully functional
- Settable wavelength and time, changing periodically to ensurebest wavelength for multicomponent

Fraction Collector
- Automatic and manual collecting options
- Customized collection modes
- Accurate setting of delay volume, ensures high accuracy and purity

Sail1000 System Configuration







Product Description
High Pressure Pump
- Electrical Dump Control, with low pulse
- Automatic compensation and Manual compensation, bring higher flow accuracy
- Floating Piston, with self-cleaning function, ensures longer lifetime
- Real-time Pressure Monitoring System, with adjustable pressure warning limits, increases safety

UV-Vis Detector
- Single holographic grating, easily setting time and wavelength
- High-accuracy Photo-Diode, brings larger linear range
- Intensity Gain Coefficient Self-Calibration
- Unique optical structure, full-wavelength spectrum scan, high-accuracy wavelength calibration
- Universal sample cell, easy switch between micro and constant cells
- Deuterium lamp, easy to change and no calibration required

Chromatography Data System
- User-friendly interface, easy to learn and operate
- Real-time monitoring interface
- Integrates instrument control, data acquisition, and dataprocessing
- Compliance with GLP and FDA regulations to ensure datavalidity and security
- Customizable report template
- Audit trails for methods, samples, sequences, chromatogramsand data output are fully functional
- Settable wavelength and time, changing periodically to ensurebest wavelength for multicomponent

Fraction Collector
- Automatic and manual collecting options
- Customized collection modes
- Accurate setting of delay volume, ensures high accuracy and purity

Sail1000 System Configuration







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