Brand New Product
Welch Materials is delighted to announce the launch of Ghost-Buster II Column, an upgraded and improved Ghost-Buster column, which can absorb mobile phaseimpurities and eliminate ghost peaks. At the same time, baseline drift caused by a high proportion of aqueous solvent in the gradient program is minimized, which ensures a stable baseline.
For analysts who have chromatograms suffering from ghost peaks, the Ghost-Buster II Column is a great solution.

Stronger Capturing Effect
Ghost-Buster II Column uses a specifically optimized stationary phase and improved hardware.Ghost-Buster II Column removes impurities in the mobile phase with stronger retention.

More Stable Baseline
When the initial proportion of aqueous phase is high (generally more than 95%), using conventional GB columns can remove impurities effectively. But some ghost peaks may still occur when the proportion of mobile phase has a drastic change in a few minutes or the baseline has large fluctuation. By improving the overall design of the Ghost-Buster II Column, the mobile phase is fully mixed before entering the analytical column, greatly reducing the baseline fluctuation and drift in the initial phase of the gradient program.
- Install the column between Mixer and Injector. Being installed after injector would cause strong adsorption to samples and affect analysis.
- For new analytical columns, flush Ghost-Buster column with 80% methanol solution at 1ml/min for 20min before new column switching to the system.
- Not all impurities can be adsorbed by Ghost-Buster column.
- Ion-pair solvents in mobile phase, would be adsorbed by Ghost-Buster column and affect retention and peak shape. Please use with caution under such mobile phases.
- Column lifetime depends on analytical conditions, mobile phase and solvent purity. Routine change of Ghost-Buster column is suggested to ensure performance.
- Ghost-Buster column is rather a purification part to the system, to filtrate impurities and protect column and system
- Before and after using buffer salt mobile phase, flush column with high-ratio water to transit, thus to avoid buffer salting out and blocking the column.
- When Ghost-Buster column shows unsatisfying performance, try disconnect the outlet of the column and flush with100% acetonitrile.
ID: 4mm
Length: 30mm
Max.Pressure: 40Mpa
Brand New Product
Welch Materials is delighted to announce the launch of Ghost-Buster II Column, an upgraded and improved Ghost-Buster column, which can absorb mobile phaseimpurities and eliminate ghost peaks. At the same time, baseline drift caused by a high proportion of aqueous solvent in the gradient program is minimized, which ensures a stable baseline.
For analysts who have chromatograms suffering from ghost peaks, the Ghost-Buster II Column is a great solution.

Stronger Capturing Effect
Ghost-Buster II Column uses a specifically optimized stationary phase and improved hardware.Ghost-Buster II Column removes impurities in the mobile phase with stronger retention.

More Stable Baseline
When the initial proportion of aqueous phase is high (generally more than 95%), using conventional GB columns can remove impurities effectively. But some ghost peaks may still occur when the proportion of mobile phase has a drastic change in a few minutes or the baseline has large fluctuation. By improving the overall design of the Ghost-Buster II Column, the mobile phase is fully mixed before entering the analytical column, greatly reducing the baseline fluctuation and drift in the initial phase of the gradient program.
- Install the column between Mixer and Injector. Being installed after injector would cause strong adsorption to samples and affect analysis.
- For new analytical columns, flush Ghost-Buster column with 80% methanol solution at 1ml/min for 20min before new column switching to the system.
- Not all impurities can be adsorbed by Ghost-Buster column.
- Ion-pair solvents in mobile phase, would be adsorbed by Ghost-Buster column and affect retention and peak shape. Please use with caution under such mobile phases.
- Column lifetime depends on analytical conditions, mobile phase and solvent purity. Routine change of Ghost-Buster column is suggested to ensure performance.
- Ghost-Buster column is rather a purification part to the system, to filtrate impurities and protect column and system
- Before and after using buffer salt mobile phase, flush column with high-ratio water to transit, thus to avoid buffer salting out and blocking the column.
- When Ghost-Buster column shows unsatisfying performance, try disconnect the outlet of the column and flush with100% acetonitrile.
ID: 4mm
Length: 30mm
Max.Pressure: 40Mpa