Holiday notice: We will be off for the Chinese Lunar New Year Holiday between Jan 25 and Feb 4. Responses may be delayed. Welch US and India operate normally.

Adenine on Ultisil XB-C18

Column Ultisil XB-C18, 4.6×250mm, 5μm (P/N 00201-31043)
Mobile Phase 0.63g L-phenylalanine, 0.47g bluestone, 2.21g ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, dissolve in acetonitrile(38ml)-water(962ml) solution
Detection 274nm
Temperature 25°C
Flow Rate 0.6ml/min
Injection Volume 20µl
Operation Time 25min
S-isomer tR ~0.9
Notes Over-night mobile phase equilibration at 0.2ml/min