Development of Analytical Method for Boric Acid in the Preparation Using Xtimate Sugar-Ca and Ultisil AQ-C18

Development of Analytical Method for Boric Acid in the Preparation Using Xtimate Sugar-Ca and Ultisil AQ-C18

Sample Information
Sample Name Eye Drops Project Number 20240731-728
Sample Batch Number / Sample Characteristics /
Sample Receipt Date 08/02/2024 Testing Period 08/15/2024 ~ 08/16/2024
Standard Sample Information
Name Specification Quantity
Boric Acid 200 mg 1
Preparation 5 ml 1
Develop an analytical method for boric acid in the preparation, ensuring the target substance is not interfered with by other substances.

Experimental Process

Chromatographic Condition 1

Column Xtimate Sugar-Ca (7.8×150mm, 8μm)
Mobile Phase Pure Water
Flow Rate 0.5 ml/min
Injection Volume 20 μL
Column Temperature 85°C
Detector Refractive Index Detector
Detector Temperature 40°C
Elution Program Time (min) Pure Water
0 100%
25 100%
Precautions /

Chromatographic Condition 2

Column Ultisil AQ-C18 (4.6×250mm, 5μm)
Mobile Phase Pure Water
Flow Rate 0.8 ml/min
Injection Volume 20 μL
Column Temperature 35°C
Detector Refractive Index Detector
Detector Temperature 40°C
Elution Program Time (min) Pure Water
0 100%
25 100%
Precautions /

Solution Preparation

Mobile Phase Preparation:

Use Wahaha pure water directly.

Standard Solution Preparation:

Solvent: Mobile Phase

Boric Acid Standard Solution: Weigh 100mg of boric acid standard and dissolve in a 5ml volumetric flask with the solvent, mix well until fully dissolved.

Preparation Solution: Provided by the client, ready for direct analysis.

Chromatograms and Data

1) AQ-C18 blank water analysis chromatogram

Peak Number Compound Retention Time (min) Area Area % Theoretical Plate Number (USP) Tailing Factor Resolution (USP)

2) Xtimate Sugar-Ca column analysis of boric acid standard solution chromatogram

Peak Number Compound Retention Time (min) Area Area % Theoretical Plate Number (USP) Tailing Factor Resolution (USP)
1 Boric Acid
7.17 1420241 100.00 1761 1.34

1420241 100.00

3) Xtimate Sugar-Ca column analysis of preparation solution chromatogram

Peak Number Compound Retention Time (min) Area Area % Theoretical Plate Number (USP) Tailing Factor Resolution (USP)
3.86 156457 9.37 79 -- --
4.91 44168 2.64 484 -- 0.8
3 Boric Acid 7.17 1455859 87.17 1690 1.40 2.8
9.72 13667 0.82 2440 1.04 3.4

1670151 100.00

4) Ultisil AQ-C18 column analysis of boric acid standard solution chromatogram

Peak Number Compound Retention Time (min) Area Area % Theoretical Plate Number (USP) Tailing Factor Resolution (USP)
1 Boric Acid 6.71 1381785
100.00 7807 1.43


5) Ultisil AQ-C18 column analysis of preparation solution full-range chromatogram

Peak Number Compound Retention Time (min) Area Area % Theoretical Plate Number (USP) Tailing Factor Resolution (USP)
4.23 2601 0.18 639 0.76 --
5.12 1054 0.07 5380 1.16 1.9
3 Boric Acid 6.72 1406794 99.51 7725 1.41 5.5
8.16 3297 0.23 10107 1.21 4.6

1413747 100.00

6) Ultisil AQ-C18 column analysis of preparation solution chromatogram (zoomed-in)

Peak Number Compound Retention Time (min) Area Area % Theoretical Plate Number (USP) Tailing Factor Resolution (USP)
4.23 2601 0.18 639 0.76 --
5.12 1054 0.07 5380 1.16 1.9
3 Boric Acid 6.72 1406794 99.51 7725 1.41 5.5
8.16 3297 0.23 10107 1.21 4.6

1413747 100.00


Using the Welch Xtimate Sugar-Ca (7.8×150mm, 8μm) and Ultisil AQ-C18 (4.6×250mm, 5μm) columns, the analysis of boric acid in the preparation was performed under their respective chromatographic conditions. The target substance in the preparation was not interfered with by other substances, meeting the analytical requirements.

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