Often there are some analysts who make some basic mistakes and feel at a loss when problems arise. Today, let's focus on the key points of the operational process for validating the liquid chromatography method for content determination.

Methodological Validation Procedure in Detail — Method Validation for Content Determination Using Liquid Chromatography
Research Content |
Operational Process |
General Technical Points Explanation
Method Exploration and Optimization |
Optimization of Objective Gradient Conditions to Determine Analytical Wavelengths:
Specialty |
The purpose is to verify the method's ability to differentiate target components and to comprehensively evaluate impurity analysis. Under DAD detector or suitable universal detectors, analysis of water, 1 mol/L acid, base, oxygen (10% hydrogen peroxide), light exposure, and high-temperature degradation, starting materials, intermediates, excipients, and impurity reference standards are conducted on the same day. These can be discussed as part of the impurity spectrum in the application documentation. |
When chromatographic conditions match those of relevant substance examination methods, experimental data of specialty can be shared. UV spectra of main component peaks and peak purity plots should be included when plotting graphs. |
Detection limit |
The signal-to-noise ratio method defines the quantitation limit as the concentration when the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) is equal to or greater than 10. |
Calculate the sample concentration based on ten times the baseline peak height. Dilute the detection limit concentrated solution directly to the desired concentration range. Inject six consecutive samples and ensure the relative standard deviation (RSD) of peak areas is less than 2% (can be relaxed to 5%). Include six images of the diluted solution in the documentation. Perform this process on the same day as the detection limit determination. When plotting the graphs, ensure that the vertical axis scale is consistent with the detection limit to reduce potential misinterpretation by reviewers and improve efficiency during review. |
Linearity and range |
5-point or 7-point method, set as appropriate. |
Precision |
The same test sample solution is injected six times consecutively. |
Solution Stability |
The stability of the solution is tested on the same day, interleaved with precision testing. Prior to the experiment, a proper sorting setting is established to minimize workload by sharing graphs where possible. The following time points are mandatory (unless stability is already known, reducing the number of time points): 0, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 24 hours. |
Repeatability |
The same batch of samples are taken by the same operator using the same method. Two portions of control material and six portions of test sample solution are prepared, each injected once. |
Intermediate Precision |
The same batch of samples are taken by different operators using different equipment but the same method. Two portions of control material and six portions of test sample solution are prepared, each injected once. It is recommended to conduct the experiment the following day to avoid any questions about needle contamination. Control material should also be reweighed. |
The 6 data points from repeatability and the 6 data points from intermediate precision are combined for statistical analysis, resulting in 12 content data points. Ensure that the relative standard deviation (RSD) is less than 2%. Include 18 images in the documentation, with 9 images from repeatability and 9 images from the following day (1 blank, 2 control, and 6 sample solutions). Graphs included in the documentation must use the first batch of samples validated on the production line. |
Accuracy |
The accuracy is typically assessed using a recovery experiment, commonly conducted through direct recovery rate testing. Samples are weighed out at proportions of 80%, 100%, and 120%, respectively. The same method is applied to each, with 3 samples prepared for each proportion. Each sample is injected once. |
Durability Test |
Changing the chromatographic column |
If there are fewer than 3 brands available, multiple batch numbers or columns from different brands can be used. However, using discarded columns for experimentation is not permissible. |
Mobile Phase Ratio |
Flow rate varies by ±10%. |
Different pH |
pH varies by ±0.2. |
Column temperature |
Column temperature varies by ±5°C. 25°C, 30°C (or optimal parameters), 35°C |
Testing of 0-day samples |
After the completion of methodological research and confirmation that all investigation data meet the requirements, testing of three batches of production line validation samples and placebo samples is conducted on the same day. This data is reflected in the product inspection report in the application documentation and can serve as the 0-day data for stability assessment. |
Double-sample, double-needle injections are performed for both test samples and control samples. |