
Do you still feel tired about complicated and time-consuming autosampler selection? In pursuit of more efficient and faster sample injection, Welch provides preparative autosampler below.

Preparative Autosampler


  • 277×280×335 mm
  • Switch valve + electric valve + plunger pump mode
  • Electric six-way valve
  • Software can be controlled by program
  • Weight:10.5 kg

Parameters of preparative autosampler:

Type Preparative autosampler(AS-0011)
Sample port 11 port
Quantitative ring volume 1ml, 2ml, 5ml, 10ml, 20ml are available, usually 20ml
Injection volume 100ul~20ml for one time,the software supports large volume segment injection
The smallest increment 1 ul
Injection accuracy 10 ul
Injecting mode Partial injection, full loop injection, lossless injection (default)
Cleaning mode Sample room cleaning, injecting room cleaning, no cleaning
Mode Switch valve + electric valve + plunger pump mode
Pressure range <40MPa
Flow rate range 0-200ml/min