Desalt Sample? G25 Purification Column Helps

Tandex G25

Tandex G25 is a kind of bead medium formed by 3 chlorine-1,2 propylene oxide cross-linked dextran, which is suitable for desalination and buffer replacement of biological macromolecules with relative molecular weight of more than 5000. Tandex G25 can provide coarse, medium, fine and ultrafine particles. If the particle is smaller, the resolution will be higher and the flow rate will be slower simultaneously. Average volume of samples on different media is about 30% of the column volume. Yield of protein at multiple particle size on Tandex G25 decreases with the increase of column length, and the yield of short column with large inner diameter is higher when the column volume keeps the same.

Technical parameters



Pre-column BC-10
Desalting gravity column
Column bed volume 8.3ml 5ml 20ml
Medium Tandex G25M Tandex G25M Tandex G25M
Dimension 1.54*4.46cm 1.6*2.5cm 1.6*10cm
Max.volume of sample 2ml 1.2ml 5ml
Exclusion range (globulin, Mr) 5000 5000 5000
Flow rate(cm/h) Gravity flow <150 150
pH stability 2-13(lone term) 2-13(lone term) 2-13(lone term)

Note: PreCot series and PreLoad series pre-columns use 1/16 inch interface, which allows it used with injectors, pumps, AKTA and other medium and low pressure chromatography system.