Let you know our Ultisil ODS-3 Column

Ulisil ODS-3 column is packed with high water-resistance octadecyl reversed-phase packing material. This packingmaterial is strictly endcapped with hydrophilic groups, which brings perfect peaks and low adsorption for both alkalineand acid compounds. The 100% water-resistance packing material avoids the collapse of stationary phase and applies to the separation and determination of most compounds.

Features of ODS-3 column

  • 100% water resistance
  • Easy preparative magnifying
  • High efficiency and resolution
  • Different selectivity from common C18
  • High sample loading



Matrix Ultra-pure porous spherical silica
Particle Size 3 μm, 5 μm
Surface Area 380 /g
Pore Size 100 Å
Pore Volume 1.05 mL/g
Bonding Phase Octadecyl
End-capped Yes
Carbon Capacity 15%